Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A friend I owe this to!

What’s the first thing on my agenda for today, UPDATE BLOG! Something I have been meaning to but never gave it a thought. Today I sit down to give a “Thank You” to a great friend of mine; someone who I have grown up with, someone who is like a brother to me, a family, a shoulder and to quote him “Bestest Friend Forever”.

It’s been a decade and I still remember the day we became friends, I sat next to him in my first school in Chennai. Transferred from Madurai, I was this kid who refused to accept change, I believed that Chennai is this big city that took me away from the friends I loved, the school which I cherished going to. I focused on all the things I was foregoing, not once did I think of all the people I was going to meet and all the fun I was going to have.

As said before, I sat next to him in school and we started talking like we’ve known each other for years. I taught him some of the words I knew in malay and the rest of the memory is hazy but I distinctly remember thinking that someday this guy will become my close friend and he went to become far more that. I still remember how the other boys in school started teasing him for talking to a ‘girl’ and that propelled him to change his place and go sit next to a guy, he resumed to sit next to me within 2 days when I asked why, he said that he got bored sitting next to that guy. That day forth, we became inseparable.

Who says you’ve got to talk everyday to be close! Till this day, there is no one who knows me more than he does. We changed schools in standard XI and went to different schools; we got so busy with studies and other friends that we spoke to each other once or twice a week, not once did we feel that we are moving apart. Have you had someone whom you know you can trust more than yourself, he is one such person. He is someone who takes me as I am, has seen the good and the bad side of me, loves me dearly and is a great inspiration to those who want to control their temper. We are opposite poles in certain aspects despite all these differences we are blood-pals. It amuses me when people find it hard to believe that you can be “just best friends” for such a long time with no feelings getting into the way and that’s us, not once have we looked at each other differently.

Today, he is in another continent and miles away from me, I remember bawling the day he left thinking things are going to change but all I see is feeling closer to him as each day passes by. He is truly a person who will stay with me until the very end. He is my soul-mate friend, my best friend, my family, my better half, my teacher, my right hand and much much more.

This is for you Mani Shankar. I miss you. Love you loads. Thanks for always being there for me!!