16 October 2010, 5:45 am, I got a call from my sister. I woke up with a start. I knew it was time; I picked up the phone, “Appu! My water just broke” said my sister. So this was it, this was the day I had been waiting for the past 9 months. She informed me that she was OK and she would be given pills for inducing pain. I asked her to be brave and hung up. She was the one who was going to deliver a child and I was the one who was scared and shed tears. She looked like she was taking it easy. I called up a few close friends and informed them that she was in labour. Beep Beep, it was a text from one of my close friends, “I’ve got a very good feeling. This baby is going to bring a lot of happiness into your family”. I smiled to myself and with that thought in mind I forced myself to catch some sleep because my sister informed me it would take time.
Each time, I felt like I was falling asleep, I woke up thinking I got a text/call saying that she delivered. The same happened at 09:45 am, I got up and checked my phone; I got a text from my sister, “Just sitting and waiting. Slight pains am getting I think... you don’t worry ok!” I felt my heartbeat raising. I could hardly sleep after that. I started imagining what could be happening at the hospital, I was wavering between fretting and calming myself down. The waiting which seemed endless got over at 11:58am, I got two text messages from my brother-in-law who was in the labour room; “She delivered. All fine.” and “It is junior Bharat.” I breathed a sigh of relief and the first person I thought of was my mother who finally got the boy she always wanted.
I smiled for two reasons; 1. My sister and the baby were fine and 2. My mother’s wish finally came true.. She wanted a boy very badly and she ended up raising me like one :D
And so I got a “little prince” and I yearned to meet him. This happened 14 days after he was born. I ran into my room to meet him. There he was the little bundle of joy, wrapped in his mother’s arms. Tiny and handsome as ever, I lifted him and he stared into my face, it was one of the most treasured moments of my life!
All he does is; eat, cry, sleep for most part of the day and poop & pee. It’s a different life to have but it’s not as easy as we think it is; everything is a struggle for infants. I see him evolve every day, I see him get angry when his sleep gets disturbed, sad when he is unable to sleep, laugh in his sleep and cry differently when he wants milk & when just wants to throw tantrums. He has started to focus on things recently. Seeing my sister handle him is absolute fun, watching him while he sleeps and trying to understand his every move just makes time fly. This is probably the first time that I have hardly stepped out of home and yet time seems to fly faster.
I am proud to say that I have joined the long list of adults who talk funny when they talk to babies. Try it! It’s absolute fun!
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