Friday, September 25, 2009

A world that's on fast-forward

I couldn’t think about the last time I had done something for myself, something that I always do, read novels, regularly keep updated about current events, write a blog post (no matter if it’s a short one). One of my favourite songs is titled “We have all the time in the world”, it feels like someone has just taken away all my time in the world. Whether it's work or fun, I am occupied till I turn in for the night, or I should say for the day as I do around 1 or 2 in the morning. “Sleeping early” has been a part of my mental to-do list for a very long time now, something which I haven’t been able to keep up till today.

A gang that grew: Socializing has never been hard for and it wasn’t hard here either, I quickly made a couple of good friends within a span of two weeks. It came of a surprise to everyone in class that we bonded so well and we seemed like we have known each other for years, that the others in class started moving freely towards each other in the hope of finding good friends like I did.

“Swine Flu” I would call it as blessing in disguise. It forced the government to close down colleges for 2 weeks and voila, I was back at home within a month. The only word that comes to my mind when I think of home is “bliss”. Chennai was hotter than ever, and I loved it more than ever. I got to meet all my close-friends, get introduced to a cousin and in no time I was back where I belong for the next 2 years.

Back in no time and back to work from the very first day, from assignments, case studies, exhibition, competitions, meetings and finding time to dine out, it just seemed like life is on fast-forward. Just to spice things up a bit, I guess the fast-forward is now set to a higher speed; as I look ahead, I have exams to write and in no time I am going to be back at home, running around all over again. It's a cycle that's going to continue for 2 years.

It’s a race against time and the one behind stays behind. You enjoy the race when you are with the best. I would like to say that I am with the best among the best.

A thankful note to all my friends here, who have made it so much easier for me to adapt and keep pace.
My heartfelt thanks to all. :) :)

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