Friday, January 1, 2010

It was a White Christmas after all!! :) :)

Has it ever happened that every time you think of doing something impulsively it turns out to be the best thing you have ever done. Well for me, it always works best that way. It all started out on 24th Dec , a friend of mine wanted to go to the church for Christmas eve mass. Now, the only problem was transport because we live outside city, in a residential school and so we had to arrange for transport. What’s the best way to travel? The answer is BIKES of course! So we made arrangements for 4 bikes. We had filled out our late night forms till 3.30am and the only question in my mind was “What will we do until then?”

To be honest, we didn’t get on with a great start, one guy who had said that he would give us his bike, backed out in the last minute and we were 1 bike short. We somehow managed to arrange for another one by sheer luck I would say, it was Christmas eve and everyone were out. We were just lucky enough that one guy in college had no plans for Christmas eve. The 8 of us from college left around 11.00pm all well set in case it becomes too cold. Yours truly, wearing 2 overcoats!

On the way, when we could feel the temperature fall, the gush of cold air hitting hard on our faces, that’s when one of my friends had a brilliant idea. “How about having ice creams now?” I wasn’t exactly excited about it in the fear of falling ill but then who can resist natural flavoured ice-cream. It was beyond delightful to have ice-cream when the temperature was nearly 10 degrees. In no time, we were back on the road, on the way to church. We reached the church around 12.15am and we were there for about 20 minutes to 30 minutes after offering our prayers.We decided to leave and make the most of the day before we head back to the hostel. Hungry as we were, sadly none of the shops were open owing to the weather I guess, led us to hunt for shops that would be open around 1am, and there was only one CCD that was open. Reaching there, I got the shock of my life; people were lined up outside CCD waiting to get in. Never ever, have I seen people line up outside a cafĂ©.

Well there was nothing much to do in a dead city, there was no option but to head back to hostel. We decided not to take the highways as it seemed like it was getting colder by the minute. Reaching outside hostel around 2.15am, one of my friends wanted to go for ride in another area just close by hostel and since we were already out it made sense to do whatever we wished to do at the moment. We geared up ourselves by giving strength to our numb hands by keeping it on top of the silencer. Even that heat didn’t seem enough for our numb hands.

So there, back on bikes for another ride and guess what catches our eye; a tea stall open at 2.30am outside Wipro. The guy was also offering Maggi, my friend was craving for it, and looks like Santa granted her wish after all. After going for a short ride, we stopped outside the tea stall and had hot tea and masala maggi. It was blissful!!

Christmas has always been known for its “Christmas Miracles” and it was indeed a miracle to find probably the only tea stall that was open at 2.30am way outside city where there is no life nor is called a “happening place” to use the lingo. Getting back to hostel, I took a look at myself in the mirror, white from cold, wide-eyed and shivering yet smiling, I realized that Santa had just granted me my wish – It was a white Christmas after all


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