Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Surprise to Remember ...

11:30 am

I would term the 30th of June as one of the memorable days of my life. I had gotten to know few friends in the recent past who did something that I never expected. Having only 11 days to enjoy Chennai life, I was determined to have fun. And what a better start than today, I had a friend coming over, picked her up & went to Landmark. On reaching home, I found my room all set up and all the friends I had gotten to know recently along with my school & college friends with a cake. Dumbstruck, wide eyed, it was like I was in a dream. It was very touching moment. What more than knowing that people care! I smiled like I have never smiled before. Even now, it seems like a dream, I keep pinching myself to assure that it isn’t. Today I mark the birth of Caesar & Simba (additions to my soft toy family), both unique & totally adorable, how often do we get to see a pink elephant, that's Caesar & a monkey on a bag, that's Simba :)!! Personalized gifts means a lot, shows people care enough to spend their time in doing what they can. I got a very thoughtful gift from a friend who had turned a paper into a parchment & filled it with a lovely quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson followed by a message from her with a sketch on the top. Getting a thoughtful card filled with messages & quotes from people who care can never be replaced by any e-card, can it?

This surprise reminded me of the other big surprise I had for my birthday last year (another memorable day) organized by my college friends. It’s the thought that matters at the end of the day. Knowing that people care & that you mean so much brings about this ever-growing feeling of happiness which can surpass any other emotion.

Almost 12 hours later, I am still here, smiling and reliving the moment. This is by far one of the best days of my life. No amnesia can erase this out from my memory! :)

Thank you all those who made this day very special to me

Happy as always!


  1. u had a memorable day ......i thnk u nevr frget til end f ur lyfe....cheers.... :).......n mre diz time wil u allow me on 30th june
